Remote Customer - DNA Sequencing Service

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How to Order: 4 Simple Steps

Step 1: Register online

Step 2: Log in and place an order online

Step 3: Package samples in a bag labeled with order number (found in confirmation email)

Step 4: Ship via Fedex regular overnight or 2nd day to:

For Western states
For Eastern states

San Diego Branch (ship to this branch from one of these states)

Eton Bioscience, Inc
9215 Brown Deer Rd,
Suite B
San Diego, CA 92121

1.800.758.1630 x 1

North Carolina Branch (ship to this branch from one of these states)

Eton Bioscience, Inc
400 Park Offices Dr, Suite 204
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709

1.800.758.1630 x 2

Boston Branch (ship to this branch from one of these states)

Eton Bioscience, Inc
132 Charles Street,
Auburndale, MA 02466

1.800.758.1630 x 3

Sample Requirements:

The following guidelines need to be met to qualify for free repeats

  1. Please send sample and primers separately. Premixed samples do not qualify for free repeats
  2. Provide enough volume of template and primer for two reactions. Universal primers are provided for free.
  3. Follow Concentration guidelines:
Non-Premixed Requirement (Per Reaction)
Sample Type Concentration Volume
Purified PCR product < 1kb 10-20 ng/μl 8 μl
Purified PCR product > 1kb 20-50 ng/μl 8 μl
Unpurified PCR product* N/A 8 μl
ExoSAP-it treated PCR product* N/A 5 μl
Plasmid <6kb 50-150 ng/μl 8 μl
Plasmid >6kb 100-200 ng/μl 8 μl
Primer 5 μM 5 μl


Who is Eton?

Eton has been providing DNA sequencing services to the US since 2003.  We curently have branches in San Diego, CA, Durham, NC , Boston, MA, and Newark, NJ. Our goal is to provide the most affordable services with the best quality in an efficient manner.

When and how do I get my results?

Results are delivered within 8 hours of sample arrival.

We automatically email results or you can request to download them from our FTP Server.

Do you offer free repeats?

If you were not satisfied with your results, please contact our customer service department by email ( or phone (800-758-1630) and they will be happy to troubleshoot your order. Upon review of the data, they can set up one-time repeats free of charge for failed reactions or reactions with unsatisfactory quality.

A one time free repeat is offered if the following conditions are met:
  a) Samples and primers are not premixed.
  b) Sample concentrations are within the guidelines.
  c) Sample:Primer combination must be the same as the original order.

Please note the original reaction will still be charged. In other words, we charge once and only once for both the original and repeat reactions.

How are repeats done?

We normally adjust conditions in repeats based on the data from the first run to try to improve the sequencing.

Which branch should I ship my samples to?

Please ship your samples to our San Diego branch if you are in the following states: Alaska, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Washington, Wyoming.

Please ship your samples to our North Carolina branch if you are in the following states: Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, D.C., Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia.

Please ship your samples to our Boston branch if you are in the following states: Connecticut, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersy, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Wisconsin.

What kind of DNA sequencing do you perform?

We perform Sanger dye-terminator DNA sequencing by capillary electrophoresis. We use the Applied Biosystems 3730xl DNA Analyzer and the Applied Biosystems BigDye Terminator v3.1 Cycle Sequencing Kit.

Can I order new sequencing reactions using samples from a previous order?


Indicate on your new order, in the Special Instructions, what order the samples were originally submitted with.

Example: "Samples were submitted with order 193823." Including the original order number on the new order is important for us to avoid any possible confusion.

We store samples for two weeks from the original order date.

Can I modify my order after placing it?

Yes. Select "Modify Order" on your Member Home page. You will be able to select from a list of all previously placed orders.

Note: An order can only be modified before it is processed. Once the sequencing reactions have been run, no changes can occur.

What is my order number?

After placing your order, the order number will (1) appear on the confirmation screen displayed immediately after submitting the order, (2) be included in a confirmation email sent to your account's email address, and (3) be available in the "Order History" section of your Member Home page.

What is your average reading length?

We provide reading length of about 1000 to 1100 bp with reliable data for about 700 to 800 bp most of the time.

Can I premix the sample and primer?

Yes. However, no free repeats are offered for premixed orders.

How can I save on shipping?

To save, you may combine multiple orders from the same lab or neighboring labs in one shipment. Bag each order separately and make sure to mark each bag with the order number.

Do I need to print out my order?

No. We can identify your order based on the written order number on the bag.

How do I pay for the services?

We accept single PO, blanket PO (openPO), and credit cards.

How should I prepare my samples to be shipped?

It's extremely important to make sure that your plates or tubes are sealed well since spillage happens frequently during shipping. For large orders use a 96-well plate making sure it is secured using a heat-sealed membrane or 8-strip caps to avoid any loss of sample. For single samples we suggest using 1.7ml microcentrifuge tubes, but there is no strict requirement. We recommend using parafilm to seal your tubes. Please separate orders into individual Ziploc bags labeled with the order number. Shipping your samples on ice is not required.

How do you check the concentrations?

We use a spectrophotometer to check sample concentrations.

Can I cancel my order?

Once an order is created, it will always appear in your order history. If you do not want us to process an order you have placed, send an email to that includes the order number you would like us to cancel. You will not be billed for anything that we do not process.

Can I still sequence my samples if they do not meet your sample requirements?

Yes. However, they will not be eligible for free repeats. If your concentrations are low, we recommend submitting 10µl of sample per reaction.

Do you still have my samples?

We keep all samples submitted to us for two weeks after receiving them. If it has been less than two weeks since we received your samples, we should still have them at our lab.

Copyright © 2003-2026

All Rights Reserved

Eton Bioscience, Inc.
9215 Brown Deer Rd, Suite B
San Diego, CA 92121
DNA Sequencing
Specialty DNA Sequencing
Direct Sequencing
Genomic Services
Fragment Analysis
Mammilian Cell Expression
Peptide Synthesis
Antibody Services
DNA Prep Service
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